Monday, August 13, 2012

Something is out there. But what?

     Something is definitely out there watching us humans. There are other intelligent species out in the universe watching and observing us as we try to observe them. Perhaps they have already visited us. Perhaps their technology is greater than our own. They may have ships that can warp through dimensions and timelines to see the past-present and future. What if in a different timeline we developed time travel? Maybe in that timeline we were able to go back in the future or to travel to different timelines to see how certain events played out. In doing so, the other version of us is watching us in this timeline, learning from our mistakes so they do not repeat them. As a result, their version of the world turned out to be a better place than ours. Maybe there is an Earth 2 where there are other versions of ourselves attempting to get in touch with us here on Earth 1. That would mean there is another me on Earth 2 living out my life either differently or the same as I lived my life here on Earth 1. 
      There are so many possibilities to consider. As I write this and as you read this, there are scientists discovering lifeforms on other planets. Perhaps they are not sentient lifeforms like you or me. They could be something much more simple such as bacteria in the process of forming life. There are probably newly born planets in the universe that are going through the same organic processes that Earth went through as life was born on it. It's daunting yet amazing to know that life starts out as something as simple as an amoeba and evolves into something as sentient as ourselves. This is a humbling fact, knowing that we are not the only lifeforms in this universe and that there are possibly creatures as intelligent, or more so, than we are.

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