Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I often find myself wondering how anyone can be bored. How can anyone be bored with the vast array of things to do in this world? It is my humble opinion that everyone is good at something and can find something to do in their spare time. I cannot remember the last time I was bored. The very idea has become inconceivable to me. If there is no work for me to do, I simply find something to do with my time. I will usually read, play video games, exercise, go somewhere, have sex if I'm horny, masturbate, take up an artistic endeavor, or anything else to expand my mind. There are so many things I like to do that being bored is no longer an option. There is so much to read and to write about. The more I read, the more knowledge I obtain to write. Those skills work hand-in-hand. Video gaming has been a hobby of mine since I was five-years-old. If I have an excessive amount of physical energy, I take out my exercise mat and do yoga, Pilates or go to the gym. Even if those ideas never come completely to fruition, I know that I at least used my time to do something with my writing skills. I enjoy other artistic endeavors such as drawing and making arts and crafts. I am not that good at drawing, nor do I aspire to be a great artist, but I do it for myself because I like to. Doing anything artistic is a form of therapy for me. Creating new things not only alleviates the tedium of my  fast-paced life, it also relieves stress and lifts my mood. It never hurts to improve my drawing skills. I also take the time to learn knew skills such as origami, sewing or making a collage. I actually don't know how to sew yet, but in time I will. It doesn't matter if you are good at it or not. I don't know how to sew, but it is something I plan on learning in the future because it is useful and it opens up more creative opportunities for me. It's also a practical skill which allows one to save money on clothes. I also like sex. It feels good and it's fun. My butterfly vibrator is also fun and has a few different possibilities which I like to explore. In addition to the typical phallic shape that most vibrators have, it also includes a butterfly shaped piece for clitoral stimulation. So, that's one toy that never loses its edge. Those are my reasons for never being bored. I never think, “Jesus fucking Christ, I'm so bored I don't know what to do with this sack of flesh and organs that I call my body.” There are moments when I definitely feel like shit and I just feel like laying around like a shit bag of a person. However, I am never sitting around like a shit bag doing nothing. I sit around like a shit bag doing something that proves fruitful to expanding my experiences somehow. I just do whatever I have the strongest desire to do at the time because I like to do so many things. Drink, smoke or do drugs. I don't give a shit. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone other than yourself. So, after all of this rambling, let me return to my original point. It's impossible to be bored in a world where so many opportunities exist. There are always opportunities to expand one's mind, to find entertainment, to get a rush and to get sexual stimulation. It's just a matter of discovering what you like to do to kill the monotony that is part of your everyday life. Life does suck at times, but that doesn't mean you should suck at life. Your job may be boring, but your life doesn't need to be.

-End of transmission


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